Thursday, August 2, 2012


aka Fertilebook.  I've been really good, not getting on so I don't have to endure seeing all the pregnant bellies and newborn pictures. Until today. I caved and literally the first 10-15 posts on my news feed were of new babies or very pregnant bellies. 4 friends have had children in the past month and 2 more are due any day now. Of course I'm happy for them, just sad for me. :(  And I know one day I'll post a picture of my belly and baby, but for now it hurts to see it. But I WON'T post every little detail because no one cares that much. No one cares that your back hurts and that you are so hot and should've timed your pregnancy better so you wouldn't be enduring the summer heat with an extra 30 pounds! No one cares that you threw up 3 times today. No one cares that your baby won't drink apple juice. And no one cares that I'm infertile. I wish I had your 'problems'. Now that I got that off my chest, I'm going to post on FB :)..."Guess who's not pregnant? Me!"

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way, many times. I can be happy for them as long as I don't see them in person. Then I just don't know what to do! And I'm hopeful that one day I will be prego and that they will FINALLY be happy for me!

    Hope your day gets better!


Baby Rollins

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers