Thursday, December 20, 2012

A New Chapter

Today I am going to my first appointment at REACH, a local fertility clinic. I am excited and nervous and anxious...but mostly excited! It feels like we are starting all over again and I have so much hope. What will the doctor tell me? What treatments will he recommend? We are one step closer to having our dreams come true. When will a baby come?!

I was just reading my Bible a few minutes ago in Jonah.  Part of the commentary on some of the verses said this:
"Jonah met a God-appointed worm, with a God-appointed task, at a God-appointed time, to yield God appointed results. God CHOOSES us, gives us a job at an appropriate time, and promises victory."
How can you not smile when you read that? He is in control and He chose me and He will bring me through this journey with victory!

Only a few more hours until my appointment!! I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

A Year Ago Today

A year ago today I started this blog.
A year ago today I didn't think anyone would even read this blog, much less comment on it or follow it!
A year ago today I was certain that, "This time next year, I'll have a baby or at least be pregnant, and I won't be writing on this blog."
A year ago today I didn't think I'd actually be infertile.
A year ago today I didn't know some of the amazing people I've met in this journey: friends who've encouraged me and who I've been able to encourage and bloggers who I don't personally know but whose stories inspire me.
A year ago today I didn't know God's love like I do now.  I thought I did, but I had no idea.
A year ago today I didn't know I'd have days where my tears wouldn't stop and days when I couldn't stop smiling because of the peace and assurance from my Lord that a promised child is coming!
A year ago today I didn't love my husband like I do now.  Our relationship has only strengthened in this trial.
A year ago today I didn't think I'd STILL be taking Metformin.
A year ago today when my doctor mentioned using Clomid, I didn't think I'd actually ever use it.
A year ago today I didn't dream of making an appointment with a fertility specialist.  I didn't need that.
A year ago today I wasn't who I am now.  I'm stronger.  Better.  Infertile?  Yes.  Defeated?  No.

Baby Rollins

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers