Thursday, August 9, 2012

And the results are...

I ovulated! Yayayayayayay!!!!!!!!! :)  I actually called yesterday and they said the nurse line was closed (grrr) so I had to wait until this morning. As soon as I woke up I called. I asked her what the number was and she said it was 10.3. The nurse told me anything over a 6 is a good indication of ovulation. So that's good. Pretty sure I'm not pregnant with a low number like that, but that is okay with me. I just wanted to be sure I was at least ovulating!! I can't get pregnant without that.  Thanks for the prayers and well wishes. <3


  1. Do you have to have a draw done for pregnancy test?

  2. No. I'm just seeing my regular OB and not a specialist and they don't do that at my office. Unless I requested it. Which I'm not going to do :)

  3. You gonna do a HPT? I had my Progesterone draw on Friday and do my pregnancy draw this Friday.


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