Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Please keep your seat belts fastened until the ride has come to a complete stop!

Whew! I feel like I have been on a roller coaster ride for the past few weeks.  My emotions have been up then down then back up.  It's crazy!  First of all a few weeks back I was at the highest of my highs on this journey so far.  I felt at peace and comforted, like everything was going to work out fine.  Then this past weekend I hit rock bottom.  The lowest of my lows by far.  I didn't even get off the couch for an entire day.  All I could do was cry and I felt like there was no hope, like I'll never have a baby.  Thank God for friends! I have an amazing one who has lifted me to the Lord in prayers many times these past few days and I could feel it.  She kept encouraging me and giving me verses from the Bible.  Then today as I was driving to the mall I heard someone speaking about infertility on the radio.  She was saying that a friend had gotten pregnant and she was still struggling with the bitter and jealous feelings.  She spoke about God's grace and how we can be happy (without the bitterness and jealousy) for others when good things happen to them.  THEN the very next song that came on the radio was "While I'm Waiting" by John Waller. I never hear that song and I listen to that station all the time. :)  It was like God was speaking right to me!!!

So I wanted to share my RENEWED hope with all of you who are struggling to conceive.  It does get tough and it will knock you down.  It may even break you.  But God is there to pick you back up and put your pieces back together.  Cry out to Him! He hears you and will answer.  Maybe not in the timing you want or in the way you want, but He is faithful.

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