Friday, November 30, 2012

No Soliciting

Why is it that when you share a struggle with people they want to give you 'advice' that you didn't ask for? (And before I go any further, I'm sure I've been guilty of it in the past, but after experiencing infertility I'm not going to do it anymore!) I've had people tell me everything from 'just don't think about it' to 'it'll happen when you stop trying' (REALLY, because I thought you actually had to have sex to get pregnant!), and my ever favorite one, 'you can just adopt.' I even had one lady who told me, "You know how to fix that problem right? Just adopt and then you'll get pregnant." Seriously?! You should really let the specialists know that you've found the cure all for infertility...adoption! I've also been given the wonderful advice on which positions are best and about putting pillows under your butt afterwards...even propping your feet up on the wall. Golly gee whiz I can't wait to try your methods so I can get pregnant tonight! Grrrr, people really don't get it. And this is why I don't share my infertility with people. Because I don't want their stupid, unsolicited advice. And I don't want to be asked every couple of weeks how "things" are going.  Unless you are infertile too, don't ask me because you don't get it. You don't understand what it's like to find out that everyone else is pregnant, including the people who weren't trying and didn't want it!

Bad day. No, I take that back. Bad week...

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