Monday, January 16, 2012

THE Dreaded Question

"So when are YOU going to have a baby?"

That's what I was asked several times yesterday while at a baby shower. Of course the people who asked don't know my situation, so I can't hardly blame them since Jonathan and I have been married for 4 1/2 years. But it still makes me want to scream, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! I mean, what do you say? Oh, I have PCOS and go into a long explanation about it and all of the treatments we've tried so far? The first person who asked me, I was fine. But then I felt bombarded and was almost in tears when like 3 other people brought it up at the same time. I almost had to excuse myself to the bathroom, but I got myself under control! And I didn't want to take the focus off the mommy-to-be, because I am truly happy for her!

I can say one thing that I have learned through this experience is to NOT ask questions like this. For one, you never know what the person is going through and two, it's really none of their business. So eventually by the time I got asked this question again as I was leaving my response was, "Whenever God decides it's time."

"Wait on the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait on the Lord.". Psalms 27:14

Sunday, January 8, 2012

At Last! body is starting to get back to normal! The Metformin is working (along with God!) and my cycle is kicking in. Whoo hoo! I never thought I'd be so excited for something that women usually dread. Haha :) I literally cried tears of joy and relief. Even though I had this feeling of peace and assurance that things were ok, it still felt good to have some concrete evidence. Of course we aren't completely in the clear, but it's a start. Now at least we can try again!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

It's 2012, a year full of new possibilities and as far as I'm concerned, a year closer to me becoming a mommy! Still taking Metformin, 3 a day, and for the most part I am over the side effects. I've found that if I take it right after I eat and have plenty of food on my stomach, then I don't get the cramping and the nausea. Mother nature and the meds still haven't kicked my body into regularity...but I guess it takes time.

Something exciting though: Right befor Christmas, Jonathan and I went to dinner at a Chinese restaurant. We got fortune cookies at the end of the meal and mine said "God will give you everything that you want." It was really cool, like God talking to me b/c we had been talking at dinner about a baby and what we've had to go through so far and wondering what this year would bring us. I felt a comfort that I can't explain. And that night as I was going to bed, as I prayed, I felt this overwhelming sense of peace and comfort. It was like the Lord was saying, "It's coming. Just wait. I"ll take care of everything".

Baby Rollins

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers