Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How Rude!

Sometimes I tell my students at school to use their common sense. Sometimes I tell them that common sense is not so common. They're kids, so I give them a break. But adults?! I mean seriously, common sense is NOT so common among them (us) it seems. If you know that someone is battling infertility, the first question you ask them after 4 months since you last saw them should not be 'So, are you pregnant yet?' Aghhhhh! I'm just going to say it...people are stupid! Why in the world would you ask me that???  I think the look on my face, while I was politely trying to say 'No, not yet', said it all.  I wouldn't dream of going up to someone who was battling cancer and asking them, "So, are you cured yet?" Think people, THINK!!! There should be some rule that you are not allowed to talk to someone about their struggles until you've experienced it yourself. I've said it before, but if there is one thing I've learned from infertility it's to think before I speak.


  1. People really are ridiculous and idiotic with their words sometimes. Love you friend!

  2. I wish people would think. I too am dealing with infertility and I just came across your blog. I started mine not too long ago. My name is Jessica as well and my blog is Amazing that we Jessica's think alike ;). I encourage you to come over and read my posts as well. I don't have PCOS and we've been trying for 26 months now. Our infertility is explained as "unexplained". The journey hasn't been fun so I just wanted to remind you that you weren't alone. Hugs and baby dust. <3


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